Independence Heights New Homes

Filed in Houston Heights Homes for Sale by on February 25, 2015

Sullivan Brothers Building in Independence Heights

April 2016: I believe these homes have sold and Sullivan has started phase 2 of their neighborhood homes.

Lot prices are so high and land so difficult to find in the Heights, Garden Oaks or anyplace nearby that builders are looking everywhere to build. They are even looking (and buying) in Independence Heights!

3329 Cornell $349.9K by Sullivan

3329 Cornell $349.9K by Sullivan

Still Under Construction

Still Under Construction


A Decent Size Yard

A Decent Size Yard

Map of 3 New Homes in Independence Heights

Map of 3 New Homes in Independence Heights

This area is just north of the Heights, but is a different world altogether. Land here is was dirt-cheap because no one wanted it. All that has changed now. Land is still cheap, but has jumped from $10-$15K per lot (which no one wanted to buy) to 3X that. They sell quickly too. There are several groups of people buying up lots.

Over the last year or so a few new homes have been built and people have moved houses onto lots. Sullivan Brothers though is the first big-name builder to buy lots and start construction. Sullivan has always been a builders others emulated in the Heights…great quality and integrity.

I was happy to hear they are building in this neighborhood.

3329B Cornell is the one I visited. 1755 SF 3/3/2 for $349.9K. Lots here are small. This house is on a 3300 SF lot, which is typical. These photos were taken a couple of weeks ago, so the house should be nearing completion.

There is a lot of history in this neighborhood. See a previous post on a new Historic District in Independence Heights. A builder like Sullivan will add value to the neighborhood and keep the character that it has. The area does not need little suburban type homes or high-density townhomes.

I don’t mean to ignore other people building in the area, I just wanted to mention this area to give people a heads up to an area that will be changing.
For more information on Houston Heights please see:

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